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Classes and Practica


Every Tuesday at Crown Dance Studio, 2820 Dorr Ave, Fairfax, VA 22031
(The classes are in the small room which is next to the big room.)


• 7:30p Class Beginner Level
→ Every month a new cycle starts.


• 8:30p Class Intermediate Level
→ Become well-versed in everything tango.


• 9:30p Class Advanced Level
→ For those aspiring a truly advanced level of dancing


• 10:30p Practica
→ Mirrors and music. Safe place for exploration and practice to your heart’s content.


The focus of the three classes are: body and mind conditioning (beginner), vocabulary (intermediate), and quality and complexity (advanced).


A few times a year, there will be showcases for students. NVT promotes social dancing, but showcases can be a good opportunity for motivation and improvement. Stay tuned for details.


$15/class or $100/8 classes. Practica is free for students and $5 otherwise.


No partner is needed. No experience is necessary for the beginner level class.

What’s New



Rick Kim started dancing Argentine tango in 2008. It was accidental, but since then he never stopped. Having learned from milongueros and maestros of many different styles and philosophies, Rick believes in the modern enjoyment of tango through tradition, tango’s power to make people happy, and that the essence of tango dancing is the embrace and the polar dynamics between the masculine and the feminine in the context of tango music. He started teaching tango in 2010 and has been giving and organizing classes, practicas, milongas, and workshops.