03 May Marking a Walk
When a man marks a walk, he does so without moving his body. An example is below. I’ll use a marca-by-push for a side step as an example.
1. Stand perpendicularly to a wall, with your left arm close to it and your right arm far from it.
2. Move your right hand across your chest and place it on the wall.
3. If you push the wall with your right hand, it will make your body to fall away from the wall. You can resist this falling by pushing the floor with your right leg and right foot. Do this double-push so that your body does not move but you are pushing both the wall and the floor.
4. Do the step 3 again, but start with pushing the floor first and resist with your hand. Notice the sensation that the wall and the floor are connected through your foot, leg, torso, arm, and hand.
As in step 4, a man creates the energy of a marca for a walk by pushing the floor with his standing leg and foot, move it through his body, and delivers the marca at the contact points between him and the woman (the wall), all the while without (roughly speaking) moving any part of his body.
To practice a marca-by-push for a forward step, try the following.
1. Stand in front of the wall and place both hands on the wall.
2. Place your weight on one leg.
3. Push the wall with both hands and resist falling away from the wall by pushing the floor with your standing leg and foot. Do this double-push so that your body does not move but you are pushing both the wall and the floor.
4. Do the step 3 again, but start with pushing the floor with your standing leg and foot first and resist with your arms and hands. Do the double-push and notice that the floor and the wall are connected through your standing foot, standing leg, torso, arms, and hands. Do this double-push, stop, do it again, stop, and repeat, while keeping every part of your body (roughly) in the same place.
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