18 Nov Elegance
Elegance comes from simplicity and efficiency.
Extra movements are often done to compensate/cover the lack of skills. Someone loses balance as he/she walks, thus he/she wiggles his/her body to regain balance. This is not elegant. Someone’s balance is good, thus his/her body does not wiggle as he/she walks. This is elegant.
Unnecessary movements waste energy. One’s foot is raised high as he/she walks. This is not elegant. Energy is wasted in raising the foot high without contributing to the walk. One’s foot gently glides on the floor as he/she walks. This is elegant. If the glide is not gentle, it is not elegant. Energy is wasted in dragging the foot against friction. One makes a too strong pivot and then stops it to prevent over-pivoting. This is not elegant. Energy is wasted in creating the too strong pivot and then in stopping it. Bad posture is not elegant. Energy is wasted to maintain the bad posture – what will save energy, keeping the neck straight or keeping the neck bent to one side?
The more unnecessary movements are shed, the more elegance is revealed.
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